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Dental treatments in Turkey - How do it right:
What's important to check before choosing a clinic

Turkey has become a popular destination for medical tourism and attracts hundreds of thousands of patients from Europe, the USA, and Canada. While many choose to fly due to the attractive prices, there is a growing trend of patients looking for the highest quality treatment, not necessarily the cheapest one.

Turkish Dental

Modern clinics, experienced dentists, and competitive costs: Turkey offers a wide range of advanced dental treatments at competitive prices. However, finding the right dental clinic can be a challenging task. These are the most important factors to consider when choosing a dental clinic in Turkey.

The dentists' skills and experience of:

The experience and expertise of the dentists at the clinic play a decisive role in the quality of the result. Look for a clinic with qualified dentists with a strong academic background from leading universities and with experience in various dental fields. Ask to see relevant certificates and certificates. The skills and experience of the dentists ensure that you will receive quality dental care.


Implants quality:

It is important to make sure the clinic is uses high-quality dental implants of leading brands. Make sure the implant brand meets international standards and is approved by authorities such as the FDA (American Food and Drugs Administration). Don't settle for vague terms like "German implant", ask to know the brand name of the implants and look for information yourself. At the end of the treatment, make sure you receive a lifetime warranty certificate that includes the serial numbers of the implants.

Advanced technology:

Modern dental technology improves the accuracy and efficiency of treatments. Make sure that the dental clinic is equipped with modern facilities and uses advanced treatment methods. For example, in treatments such as sinus lifting and bone grafting, it is recommended to make sure that the clinic uses PRF technology (platelet-rich fibrin) which improves the healing process, encourages the growth of new bone tissue and reduces side effects and inflammation. Advanced technology contributes to better dental results and a more efficient and comfortable treatment experience.

A variety of services:

Consider the variety of services offered by the dental clinic. Look for a clinic that provides comprehensive dental treatments, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, dental implants, oral surgery and more. A clinic that offers a wide range of services will be able to answer all your dental needs in one place. However, you should check that the clinic's staff includes several doctors, each of whom specializes in specific treatments, so you can make sure that the clinic pays attention to both the variety of treatments and their quality.


Reviews and recommendations:

Reading reviews and recommendations from previous patients provides important insights into the quality of care and patient satisfaction. Positive patient reviews can give you confidence in your decision and will indicate that the clinic has a track record of satisfied patients.

By doing a preliminary examination, you can choose a high-quality and professional dental clinic. Remember to prioritize the skills and experience of the dentist, ensure the quality of the implants, evaluate the technology of the clinic, consider the variety of services provided and take into account patient reviews and recommendations. This way you can find a reputable dental clinic that meets your needs and provides you with quality dental care.

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Our Services


Dental Implants

Are you missing teeth? If so, you've probably considered dental implants.

Dental implants are made of small titanium posts that are surgically implanted into the jawbone, where they serve as a strong and secure anchor for crowns that serve as an alternative to missing teeth.

Dental implants offer several advantages including a natural look and feel, preservation of the surrounding teeth and long-term durability.

We use implants approved by The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure the health of our patients

Emax Veneers

​Emax dental veneers are a popular choice for people who want to improve the appearance of their teeth. Emax Veneers are made of a strong and durable material that is able to successfully withstand the wear and tear of everyday life and provide a long-lasting solution for those looking to improve their smile.

Emax Veneers are known for their ability to mimic the natural translucency of tooth enamel, making it a gentle and aesthetic option for improving the appearance of your teeth.

טיפולי שיניים בטורקיה

Zirconium Crowns

Zirconium is an innovative material used for dental crowns. It is a ceramic, strong and long-lasting material with very high biocompatibility, making it a popular choice for sensitive patients. When comparing zirconium to other materials used for crowns such as porcelain or composite, zirconium is more durable and stronger. These properties of zirconium prevent the formation of cracks and fractures. Zirconium has excellent durability that can withstand higher loads and thus supports the integrity of your smile. zirconia crowns can improve the appearance of your smile and oral health.

Sinus Lifting with PRF technology

Have you heard of the advanced PRF technology for dental implants in Turkey?

What is the technology that revolutionized dentistry?

PRF is a process in which a blood sample is taken from the patient, and an extraction of substances is produced from it which creates a strong and natural healing material for the body. This healing material is mixed together with bone fillers in the sinus lift process, which helps stimulate the growth of new bone tissue. The PRF has come into use in recent years in dental treatments and it helps for a fast and safe absorption of dental implants. The ingredients in PRF help stimulate the body's natural healing process, help reduce pain and inflammation, and improve the overall outcome of the dental implant. The PRF process is simple and very effective, making it an excellent choice for patients who need bone filling.

What is PRF?

PRF stands for Platelet-Rich Fibrin, it is a type of platelet concentrate extracted from the patient's own blood. During the PRF process, a small amount of blood is taken from the patient and put into a centrifuge that separates the platelets from the other blood components. After the platelets are separated, they are mixed with the bone fillers.

How is PRF used in dental treatments?

PRF is used in a variety of dental treatments, including dental implant surgery, periodontal care, bone grafting and more. The substances produced in PRF help stimulate the body's natural healing process, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve the overall result of the dental procedure.

In dental implant surgery, PRF can be used to promote faster healing and improve implant success rates. The materials produced in PRF help stimulate the growth of new bone tissue, which can help integrate the implant with the jawbone more effectively. This can increase the chances of successful absorption of the implant and ensure a better overall result.

In bone grafting, PRF can be used to promote the growth of new bone tissue, which can help strengthen the jawbone and support dental implants or other restorative devices. The ingredients in PRF can also help reduce pain and inflammation, which can improve the overall experience of the procedure.

What are the benefits of PRF?

One of the main advantages of PRF is that it is a safe and effective technique that uses the patient's own blood, which reduces the risk of infection and other complications. Additionally, because PRF is a natural healing material, it can help reduce pain and inflammation, improve the success rate of dental treatments, and promote faster healing.

In conclusion, PRF is an innovative technique that revolutionized the field of dentistry. It is a safe and effective way to promote healing and improve the results of dental treatments.

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